Western Harbour
Bristol City Council is about to prepare a masterplan together with local people, which will help to guide the location of new homes, public spaces and infrastructure in Western Harbour. Consultation and engagement will continue throughout the master-planning stage and beyond.
Western Harbour is mostly brownfield, previously developed land within walking and cycling distance of the city centre. This makes it a suitable location for the homes, jobs, and public spaces people in Bristol need.
Building sustainable communities
Goram Homes always aspires to exceed planning policy in terms of delivery of affordable homes. Across our current programme we have a target of delivering 47% of our homes as affordable homes as outlined in our Business Plan.
Our developments will include homes of different sizes for market sale, social rent and affordable home ownership.
The number of affordable homes and the tenure split shown in the graph reflects our Business Plan and has been estimated based on initial capacity studies and policy requirements. We will update all figures annually, in line with business planning, or when planning has been granted.
To find out more about affordable homes and tenures have a look at our FAQs.
Housing numbers to be confirmed as plans develop.